I couldn't find any evidence that the previous schools chancellors under Michael R. Bloomberg ever had a "Book of the Month". A Google search about Joel Klein and "Book of the Month" shows only some stuff about himself. A similar search about Cathie Black shows nothing about a book at all. A search fro Shael Polakow-Suransky (acting chancellor for ten days) and "Book of the Month" shows an announcement o PS 102's website about what their "Book of the Month" was a long time ago -as well as an announcement that Shael Polakow-Suransky will be visiting. And a search on Dennis Walcott and "Book of the Month" shows anything but a city-wide Book of the Month. Finally, a search for "Book of the Month" on the NYCDoE website reveals nothing more than a bunch of schools' Books of the Month from years past. It doesn't seem as though it's ever been done.
A school leader announcing the "Book of the Month" to the press. What a novel idea.
And a strongly symbolic sign of change.
That's the first sign of change. The second? As Philissa Cramer writes:
"...first “book of the month” for her administration: “I Will Make Miracles,” a children’s book that she had adapted with a piece of tape to be called “We Will Make Miracles.”
Yeah. She changed the "I" to "We". I know, I know. The symbolism isn't as strong. But it's still (totally cool) symbolic of a change in tone.
Cathy Black couldn't read.