Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Allegory of the Coffee Shop

The following conversation actually took place today before work at the local coffee joint.

Colleague: (walks in) Heyyyyy man!! I told you dude! I told you it was going to pass! I don't know why you didn't listen.

Me: Yeah, man. Yeah. You said it.

Colleague: Look, man. When it comes right down to it, people want their money! I know how you feel about the percentages, but, yo that's a good raise!

Me: I don't know, man. If you say so.

Colleague: I told you from the get go this thing was going to pass, dude. I don't know why you put yourself through all that! No offense, man. But I'm just saying. You're looking at a good contract with good raises, man (gives me the long stare as he slaps my chest with the back of his hand). How could you turn down good money like that!?!?

Me: Well, it's just a question of expecting more. I knew they could have done better if pushed to ...

Colleague: No man. You don't understand. Five years without a contract! That money looks good to them! And you think more? (pssst) C'mon man!

Me: Yep. Yep (staring at the coffee girl to save me with my coffee). Well, if it worked for you, I'm glad you voted for it.

Colleague: Of course I voted!!! I voted for that puppy, baby!!

Me: (breathing deep) Honestly, man I'm just glad it's over. It's been a pretty long month and I'm pretty exhausted.

Colleague: Yeah, I'm tired too, man. Pretty soon! It'll all be over soon!

Me: (pausing for a moment) No I mean it's just been tiring. I've been doing this while working six days a week, you know. And now the group I'm working with wants to meet on Saturday. I honestly just want to crash.

Colleague: (chuckles) yeah, man. One thing I have to say, you do take on too much. You're always taking on too much! Wait, what's that group you work with again?


Colleague: Oh. Oh, yeah, Oh, that's right!!! Ok, so tell me now...What are we getting?

Me: (stares)

Colleague: When do our raises come and how much are they for?


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